Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Welcome to Demi Collins' creative portfolio.
All of the work on this blog was created solely by me unless stated otherwise in the post.
Here you will see a selection of my work from over the years, which I hope will show my development during this time. I have included both work I feel has achieved the goal I set when first taking the images, I have also included shoots that have not worked as well as I had initially hoped.
I have ordered by work by starting with videos, then moving on to work created for both my media studies AS level and what I have done so far in A2, I then have my photography work.

Enjoy and thank you.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015



This footage has been over the last four years, and most of done in my own time for amusement purposes and to broaden my skills in filmmaking. All of it is filmed by me expect selected scenes from my AS media production as I am featured in them. However I edited all the shown clips in this showreel. 
Most of this is edited on iMovie, except a few clips which were edited in Final Cut Pro, as those are the editing softwares I have at home. 

Monday, 23 November 2015

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Here are both of the links to my media blog from AS level:

And my A2 level, which I am still working on:

Here is the link to my AS level film opening called 'The Unhinging' I came up with the plot based on the story of Amber Alert, I also edited and acted in the film opening. The filming was done by a variety of different people, I did not film much as I featured in the film opening.
The link for that is found below:

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Year 10 Photography GCSE

The theme for my year 10 GCSE photography was Ordinary Extraordinary. Here are a few pictures showing some of the contents of my book from year 10. As I do not have access to a scanner and wanted to show the written and explanation of my work, I had to take photos of my book and upload them from there.

One of my final pieces, I created this by cropping the image 16 times. I then printed each cropped version of the photo and added 4 pictures to one board each. I then mounted them using double sided sticky tape.